Nick Garrett, the classic London signwriter, since 1981

London sign-writer Nick Garrett
NGS 20 Ivymount Road, London SE27ONB

Enquiries 07831173396 


Fascias, shop fronts, sign panels, glass work, and gallery specialists


Born and bred in London, I am a traditional sign writer, gilder and maker with over 30 years experience. Most of my work is in central London but I also have my family and product development studio in Italy where I develop glass gilding and various specialist products – hence the Italian mobile number.

May 1 2012 sees my new studio in 274 Queenstown Road, Battersea open, so stay posted and connect here for our regular updates.

Fantastic signwriting made by hand in the true craftsmanship tradition…

For the past 15 years I have been delivering powerful brand design.

That work looks great, Thank you. I’ve noted your other areas of expertise and I’m sure that we’ll work together in the future. Andrew Catterall, Reflect Construction UK

The execution is superb… it’s very rare to see someone love what they do… Phil Monk, Head Curator, Tate Modern, London

Quality, and service are the two strengths I guarantee. But most of all I think it is always genuine creative passion that will speak volumes for your business sign acquisition.


Contact me for any design advice and help you may need.


Skype.  Nickgarrett2828



Mansion house gilding

Working with John Pope… we are now up to our eyes in gold!… and absolutely loving it!!

The project to gild 16 pillar pedestals is now half-way done and looking very sweet indeed.  As a gilder since 1981 this is one of my biggest commissions.

Working with John on the base pedestals of 16 grand pillars in the main banqueting hall.

Fuelled by hot tea and digestive biscuits it’s often great fun but always serious, dedicated work.

Nick Garrett

NGS Insegne Antiche – a Milano da 1981 – in tutta Italia

NGS Insegne Antiche – 

dal 1981

Contatti 3383111950

La società ha sede a Parma.

Lo stile delle insegne è un revival della tradizione tipografica italiana passata in legno, alluminio e resina. Dipinta a mano, pronta per essere decorata a mano o con scritta adesiva o altra soluzione grafica.
NGS opera sia nel Regno Unito, in Italia e all’estero attraverso un’ampia rete di distribuzione.

Mussel Bar’s chalkboards spell out the daily food and beer specials. Photo credit: Stacy Zarin-Goldberg

La gamma di prodotti è in continuo aggiornamento attraverso lo studio di nuovi tipi di materiali e metodologie di produzione. Lo staff tecnico si occupa di ricerca storica specializzata e di riprogettazione delle forme.

Le nostre insegne sono tutte fatte a mano e dipinte a mano da abili artigiani.
Forme simili sono prodotte anche in fibroresina con dimensioni fisse a vantaggio di costo significativi.

HEJ 002 HR

Antiche Insegne
English antique sign in Spitalfields London.


Cell 3383111950